Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Countdown

I made this Christmas advent craft this week and I've had few people who want to see a picture of it. I used a pizza pan and then I made bottle cap magnets for the numbers. Today we started counting down the days until Jesus' big day.

Snow Day!!!!!!!

Avery shook his booty so hard when they announced that all schools will be closed today. For those of you who don't live in Boise, it snowed a ton last night and we woke up to 8 inches of snow. Kevin woke up at the glorious hour of 3:00 am to do snow removal and returned home at about 10. He had his skid steer in tow. As he gazed out at the winter wonderland he came up with a genius idea. He said, "I can make the kids the biggest snow mound we've ever had in the culdesac." He was on the tractor in a flash, spinning around in the culdesac. All of the neighbors came out, young and more mature. Everyone was taking pictures and one of our neighbors even brought our hot cocoa and marshmallows. The kids played on the hill for 5 hours straight. It was a great snow day memory for Great Sky Estates.