Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Cookie Party

In celebration for Halloween we decided to have a cookie party. We had the Krahn's and the Ramey's over for some sweet fun. Anne, Kerri, and I have been friends for a long time and it is so good to catch up every once in a while. Anne and Kerri both have three beautiful children. It is so great to be in this stage of life with the both of you. Thank you for your friendships.
The kids frosted cookies and topped them with lots and lots of candy and sprinkles. You can also see that Kerri and Lizzy were festive with their costumes.
This is Rylie (Anne's oldest girl)
This is Miss Chloe (Anne's middle child)
And Kerri's sweet Lizzie (she and Avery had a wedding today)
This husky guy is Jack. He is Kerri's also. He is only 9 mo. old and is very big.

1 comment:

Kata said...

Anne? Kerri? So fun to hear of life in Boise. I always wonder what it would be like to live in Boise- spend time with Jamie and other CHS friends, or even crossing someone in the grocery store... odd! Well tell them I said hi- I wish you had posted a picture of them! Your Boys are so cute! I love how Avery is the Ring leader!!